What did Gators do on Halloween?

Spooky season is over, and Halloween was a huge hit for Green Level students. Even if school was still in session, everyone found ways to celebrate the night.                            

Lots of students, like Freshman Olivia Ocran, went trick or treating. Either with family or friends, they gathered all the best candy to last them through the next few months–or weeks, or days. They had a ton of fun wandering through the streets in costume, even if it wasn’t ideal weather–although it wasn’t pouring, the sky was still glowing with lightning and wind blew through the pillow cloths. 

Others, such as Sophomore Samantha Harms, handed out candy at their houses and neighborhoods. They handed out all the chocolates, fruity chews, and sour snacks for all the little children dressed up. Some, such as Freshman Roshni Daruvuri just spent the night hanging out with friends, watching horror movies or having fun together. Others like sophomore Sapna Kamath, didn’t really celebrate the night, but still enjoyed a Thursday evening without the looming task of waking up for school on Friday.

The next morning, students woke up, had a delicious breakfast (of sugar) and snacked through the day. They had the next day off, so it let them stay up as late as possible beforehand. That night, they finished off celebrations by heading to our white-out game against Panther Creek, and when we beat them bad, the hyper-happy celebrations tied up.