T. Dongara
Say hello to this weeks Gator, William Wang!
Our Gator of the Week is tenth grader William Wang!
William was recommended for being a high achieving student and being an active and engaged member of our school community. William has a busy schedule–he runs track and field, participates in SkillsUSA, and volunteers through Key Club–so his time is very important to him. However, he is able to practice good time management skills by making learning a priority.
William things volunteering is important, and he enjoys helping people “because I believe that I have a responsibility to help others and it’s the right thing to do.” He is always happy to help out his classmates, and advises students who are struggling to make sure they’re getting enough sleep and to “reach out to your peers and teachers” when help is needed.
We’re proud to feature this kind and dedicated student. Congratulations William!