Pride Month is Approaching

What Can We Do to Support LGBTQ Students Here at Green Level?

A. Hoch, Opinion Section Editor

It’s important that all students feel comfortable and welcome here at Green Level. However, this is much easier said than done, especially for those of the LGBTQ+ community. The biggest thing we can do to support these students is create a safe environment and enforce equality.

Anonymous Green Level student and member of the LGBTQ community says, “I am excited for Pride Month and the visibility it will bring to the community. I know the LGBTQ club definitely has some fun things planned so I look forward to that as well. I feel like Green level does a good job making people like me feel safe at school.”

GLSEN reports that research has shown “LGBTQ youth face bullying at significantly higher rates than their peers, and the consequences, such as increased rates of suicide, can be heartbreaking.”

To help reduce the depression and mental health issues linked with homophobia, Green Level tries to showing our support as much as we can. Whether it be through signs, clubs such as the LGBTQ+ club, or encouraging expression, Green level promotes our inclusiveness the best we can.

However, one thing that we could do better is work to integrate LGBTQ+ topics into some of our curriculum. The Human Rights Campaign suggests that teachers integrate LGBTQ people and topics into the classroom. When assigning topics for science, history, and art, be sure to include LGBTQ people like Harvey Milk (politician) or Alan Turing (computer scientist). GLSEN also provides an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum so that students can see themselves in their lessons, and so all students can have an authentic understanding of the world around them.

Supporting the LGBTQ community starts right here at Green Level. We are excited to celebrate Pride month and raise awareness for the issues revolving homophobia and discrimination. For updates on upcoming Pride month events, attend a Green Level LGBTQ+ club meeting!