The Women’s Golf Team Wins Again!
September 19, 2022
For the 4th straight time, the Green Level Women’s Golf team has won a conference match. This week they played a home match

at the Preserve at Jordan Lake and squeaked out a tight one over Green Hope, 121 for the Gators, 123 for the Falcons.
The Gators were led by 2 low scores by Sr. Maddy Linares (37) and Fr. Eliana Kim (39). Maddy Linares was a co-medalist for the match.
Maddy has had stellar play all season with scores of 36, 33, 38 and 37 and I got to ask her how she felt going into yesterday and how confidence has affected her play this season to this point:
“I felt pretty confident going into the match, I was confident in our lineup as well and I think confidence played a big role because if you’re not confident then you won’t make the same consistent shots”
Eliana has also had some very good play so far this season with scores of 37,40,39, and 39 and I also got to talk to her about what it is like to start on the team as a Freshman.
“Kind of nerve wracking because I wasn’t really sure how I’d end up in the first match and also how my teammates would see me as a freshman.”
This Monday the Lady Gators make their way to Prestonwood Country Club to continue their quest for perfection and hopefully improve to 5-0. Good luck girls!