Who’s Behind @GreenLevelMemes?
An investigation into the identity of Green Level’s most notorious memer.
Who’s behind the Green Level Memes account?
October 11, 2022
If you’ve been on Instagram in the past few weeks, chances are you’ve come across a meme from the @greenlevelmemes account. Poking fun at many aspects of Green Level such as the hall passes, AP Lang teachers, and the Homecoming game and dance, this account has gotten many students’ attention.
The anonymously run account calls itself “The Unofficial Meme Page of Green Level”, presumably so as not to get into any hot water with Green Level Administration. The page has some more mature content, which is why it can be presumed Admin wouldn’t want it being mistaken for a real Green Level Instagram profile.
The most viral of their memes is about Green Level’s recent Homecoming dance on October 1st. It includes a video of an awkward dance circle from the dance with the sound of squeaking shoes edited over the original audio. It features a caption that reads: “Last night was a movie’ Last night:” to joke about (what some of the student body perceives as) the overhyped nature of the Homecoming dance. Many students reposted it and found it funny, but there is yet to be a comment from any Green Level staff.
One meme in the form of an Instagram Reel has even called out GLHS Athletic Director, Mr. Fegely by name. Posted September 24th, it includes a video of Walter White from the show Breaking Bad falling to the ground in pain. The video is adorned with the caption “Colin Fegely watching in disbelief as the football team blows their longest streak (we won two games).” It’s unclear if Mr. Fegely is aware of this post, but members of the football team certainly are and have expressed their distaste for the account in its comment sections. This isn’t the only meme they’ve posted poking fun at Green Level’s Football team. In a later post on September 30th, the account points out the 0-42 loss to Apex we endured at the Homecoming football game, joking about how the players take no accountability for it.
We Direct Messaged the account through Instagram to gain some insight on why the page was started, and if they plan to reveal their identity. When asked what inspired the account, they replied, saying “My buddy runs a meme account, and Cary’s (Cary High School) meme page used to be funny so I wanted a slice of the pie.” In regards to the identity of the account creator, they said “I’ll reveal around the end of the year.” Many students are anxiously awaiting more content from the page, as well as clues as to who is behind it.
Based on who the account follows, their style of typing, and the source of some of the photographs used in their memes, there has been plenty of speculation about who runs it. We’ve narrowed it down to a couple of upperclassmen, but are going to protect their identities until they feel like coming forward.