Gator’s Thoughts on Balance Days

Taken from Green Level High School Instagram page

On Monday, 12/4, Green Level had its first ever Gator Balance Day. The school’s goal of making these balance days were to create a new sense to early releases and to give students a mental break from school which, as we all know, gets very stressful.

We got to talk to a student from each grade level asking them different questions about their opinions on Gator Balance Day. Here’s what they said:

First, we asked Senior Maddy Linares what she thought about the balance day, ¨ I enjoyed the concept of it and getting time to spend with friends or just relax and have time away from school but personally, I chose the movie and I think that there should’ve been options with it and not just we´re watching this. Other than that though I would definitely do it again.¨

Next, we got to talk with Junior Carter Zamora about if he thought we should fully replace early release days with the balance days, ¨ I think we should because classes are shorter and most people don’t focus anyway during short periods on early release days so it’s just better for everyone¨

Next up, Sophomore Wade Francfort and we asked what his thoughts on the activities of the balance day were, ¨The activity list was good except for the fact that the spots got full very quickly¨. We also asked him what should be added to the list next time, ¨More physical activities like different types of sports¨. Finally, we asked him what he did on balance day, ¨I went to the movie which was Shrek and had fun with my friends.¨

Last, but certainly not least, we talked to Freshman Cameron Devereaux and asked if 45 minutes is enough time to be productive in class, ¨I think it’s enough time to be productive because I got a lot of work done and even though I didn’t have that much work, I still did a good through job on it so I definitely think it is enough time¨

Overall with this feedback from the different opinions from different grade levels of students, we got to really get an in depth overview of what the school thought as a whole.