Hoka or Oncloud–Which is better?

Which shoe is better?

L. Willis and K. Viegas

Hoka and Oncloud shoes have been popular for some time now. Both these shoes have similar styles and are made for running. Most people prefer one over the other. They are mostly used for their comfort rather than style. Which one is better? 


Hoka shoes are very popular. They are “preppy” but are also considered running shoes. These shoes have a variety of different colors and different styles. As seen on TikTok, many nurses use Hoka’s because of their comfort and style. Since they are on their feet all day, they say that Hoka’s are the best shoes. Hoka’s are light and not too heavy on your feet making them the perfect shoe for walking or just lounging around. Not only do they have shoes, but they also have athletic apparel like shirts, shorts, fleeces, jackets, and more. I’m not sure if this shoe even has a flaw. 


Oncloud shoes have been rising in popularity over the past year. They are known for their comfort, and style and can easily be slipped on. It is easy to match them and they have different styles made for everyone. Some World-class athletes are known for their wearing of  Onclouds and have stated that Onclouds are the best running shoes. Onclouds aren’t the typical running shoes and have features that make the running experience ten times better. For example, Cloud Tec is the cushion put into the shoe that is made with hellion form and is specifically arranged to reduce fatigue and lower heart rate. Not only are you comfortable wearing Onclouds but you also are provided with stability and style.

Both Hoka and Oncloud are great shoes and have their own unique aspects. However, both shoes have similar features and are known for their stability and durability to run. It is up to your preference for which shoe is better for you.