What is Creator Clash And Its History?
This year’s Creator Clash was held on April 15 at the Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida.
April 19, 2023
What started out as a conflict between two YouTubers turned into an annual charity boxing event between content creators. It first started out when Youtuber iDubbbz called out another Youtuber RiceGum in a video. In response RiceGum made a video challenging iDubbbz to a boxing match. They both agreed, but RiceGum backed out of the fight and iDubbbz was searching for new content creators to participate, thus forming Creator Clash.
First Creator Clash
Creator Clash (2022) was held on May 14, 2022, at the Yuengling Center on the campus of the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. The headlining fight of this event was between YouTubers iDubbbz and Doctor Mike.
Fight Cards-
- Doctor Mike vs. iDubbbz
- Harley Morenstein of Epic Meal Time vs. Arin Hanson of Game Grumps
- Michael Reeves vs. Graham Stephan
- Hundar of Muscle Party vs. AB of the H3 Podcast
- JustaMinx vs. Yodeling Haley
- I did a thing vs. TheOdd1sOut
- DJ Welch vs. Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik
- Alex Ernst vs. Ryan Magee
- Dad (Nathan Barnatt) vs. Matt Watson
The fight was commentated on by Akinola Verissimo, Wade Plemons, FaZe Sensei, MoistCr1TiKaL, EsfandTV, and Chills. iDubbbz mentions close to a million dollars was donated to the American Heart Association, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the Healing Horse Therapy Center.
Creator Clash (2022) Steam
Second Creator Clash
Creator Clash (2023) held on April 15, 2023, at the Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida. The headlining for this event was between YouTubers iDubbbz and Alex Wassabi.
- Jack Manifold vs. Dakota Olave
- Dad vs. AB Ayad “Starkilla”
- Jaelaray vs. Abelina Sabrina
- William Haynes vs. Chris Ray Gun
- Mika vs. Alanah Pearce
- Myth vs. Hundar
- Hayley Sharp vs. Marisha Ray
- Arin Hanson vs. Jarvish Johnson
- Michelle Khare vs. Andrea Botez
- Leonhart vs. Ethan “CrankGameplays” Nestor
- John Ranadall Hennigan vs. Harley Morenstein
- Alex Wassabi vs. iDubbbz
The fight included a lot of the previous commentators like Akinola Verissimo and MoistCr1TiKaL but this time they also added Jacksepticeye and Markiplier as show commentators. The charities that were donated to were National Alliance on Mental Illness,The ablegamers charity American Kidney Fund, Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation, Kids Cancer Foundation, Sarcoma Foundation of America, American Heart Association, Critical Role Foundation, and The Longest Day.
There was no Creator Clash (2023) provided by iDubbbz.
Congratulations to Alex Wassabi for winning and the other winners who won their fight however it all wouldn’t have been possible without iDubbbz and his crew’s hard work.