GLHS’s Fourth Annual Art Market Is A Hit!

D. Khan, Co-Editor In Chief

Artists and art appreciators returned to school last Thursday for Green Level’s fourth annual art market. The visual arts department and National Art Honor Society spent months planning the giant auction of student artwork. But this year, the auction was just one part of the event–performances, animals, and Artist Alley sellers joined the market, too.

“We wanted to create a fun and aesthetic atmosphere for our artists and guests,” said Art Market Director Maren Molinaro. “Our priorities were to make sure everyone had something fun to do, like making crafts, watching performances, enjoying the art, and talking with other artists!”

By those goals, the Art Market was a definite success. With over a hundred pieces for auction and fifteen Artist Alley sellers, there was a huge variety of work to purchase. Food Ark’s Empty Bowls Project sold out of their student-made bowls and soup packets. Other student organizations, including K-Pop Dance Club, Indian Classical Dance Club, and Chorus, took the stage and captured the attention of attendees. Food varied from Crema Coffee to Baking for a Benefit’s homemade sugar cookies. And if guests wanted a minute to unwind, various board and video games took over the back corner of the cafeteria.

Senior Lillian Middleton put their artwork into the auction portion of the market. They also helped organize the art beforehand.

 “As a volunteer and an artist, [the Art Market] was fun! I liked seeing everyone dress up and have fun with the theme,” Middleton said.

Last year’s Art Market theme was “sophisticated coffee shop.” This year, that theme was “Renaissance Faire.” Student volunteers donning flower crowns wandered the crowds, eager to help. Each section was cleverly named as though they were actual Ren Faire locations, varying from “The Guild” to “The Joust” to “The Kid’s Castle.” 

“It was nice to see the diverse background of Green Level come to support the Fine Arts and celebrate each other together,” shared sophomore Mariam Manadath. Manadath worked hard both in organizing artwork and as President of Photo Club. She and her board created a floral photo wall for guests to take pictures at the market.

By the end of the night, around $3,000 had been raised for the fine arts department–the actual number will be calculated after additional donations are factored into the amount. 

Students had a fantastic time throughout the market. Junior Jade Lee described the event as “A great experience as an artist, student, and friend.” 

Lee’s classmate and fellow NAHS member Aleena Sebastian added on, describing the market as “truly the cutest snapshot of the best things GLHS has to offer.”

Students, staff, and guests appreciated the visual arts department’s hard work! We can’t wait to see what’s next for the arts at Green Level.