I’m Not Bossy
Editor-in-Chief, M. Grabowski discusses the injustice of being called “bossy”.
March 5, 2020
The woman beside me and myself are doing group work for a class. We decide to take the lead and organize who will do what, but the murmurs we hear from wanting to be leaders is, “bossy.” Have you ever been called bossy? I’m sure if you are a woman you have from trying to be strong in conversations. That man next to you, he took charge of the meeting. “That’s it, bro, be the man,” is what you hear under people’s voices…the words have changed. Being a leader is good for men, but for women, you are called bossy.
The reason why women may not have as many leadership positions, in the long run, can be because from this early age they are trained not to be a leader with this word from being called negative words like bossy that discourage them from being strong. These statistics from the same site will shock you, “Women are called bossy in the workplace more often than men. Women were twice as likely to be told they are bossy (33% of women, 17% of men). Women are twice as likely to be called bossy at work, but they are not more likely to act bossy. Men are just as likely as women to act bossy in the workplace.” So, if men are acting bossier than women then why are they praised while we are discouraged even though we aren’t even as strong in leadership as they are?
The statistics are shown, women are put down with this word. Bossy is something women that you’re called for being a leader. Bossy isn’t something that should hold you down, be powerful if you want to, be a leader!