Environmental Club Goes Online
Graphic made by A. Guo using AdobeSpark
Announcements and updates from Environmental Club President, A. Guo.
April 1, 2020
Although school has been canceled and will start to go online on April 13th, Green Level High School’s Environmental Club has decided to continue with their club virtually.
The first virtual online meeting will be through Zoom on April 2nd, from 4-5 PM. The link for joining is https://zoom.us/j/264071890 and the meeting ID is 264 071 890. Everyone who is welcome and encouraged to come: members, non-members, and teachers! During the meeting, the board will be discussing potential project ideas like videos, social media challenges, etc.
Additionally, Environmental Club Secretary, Carly Barello, has helped start a video series that will keep you updated on what the club is doing and ways to protect the environment at home. Watch the first video here!
For more updates, join the club’s Remind by texting @glenvir to 81010 and follow @gl.envrionmentalclub on Instagram and Twitter.