All About Remote Learning and Grades
Here’s everything you need to know for the upcoming weeks of remote learning.
April 13, 2020
This fourth week of spring break will be the last of the 2020 school year for Green Level students, and remote learning will be starting on Monday, April 13th.
The way it will work is that you will attend first period and second period classes on Monday and Wednesday, and third and fourth period classes on Tuesday and Thursday. Each class will be one hour long and will take place in the morning. In the afternoon, there will be staff office hours, and on Friday time will be reserved for instructional support. To view the schedule in more detail, please click on this link.
Teachers have already sent out information via email, google classroom, and other virtual platforms, so make sure you keep an eye out for updates and more specific instructions in those places.
If you need to borrow a laptop from Green Level, then have your parents complete this link by Wednesday, April 8th.
Another announcement is that grades will now appear as pass or fail on report cards. In other words, if you have a 60% or above, you will receive a pass on your report card, and if you have anything below that, you will receive a fail on your report card.