Good Eye: The Masked Warriors Project
Positive news when everything seems bad.
April 22, 2020
Welcome back to Good Eye, the much needed positive news here on The Gator’s Eye. This week we will be covering a group called the “Masked Warriors Project”. Amid the Coronavirus outbreak, our healthcare workers are running low on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This includes masks and gloves, making them and their families more vulnerable and susceptible to the virus. This is where the Masked Warriors Project comes in.
The Masked Warriors Project is an organization founded in Rockland County, New York by Sabrina Roffman and Tina LoPresti. Roffman realized that everyone without this equipment could be in jeopardy, including her husband who is working as a physician in one of these hospitals. She reached out to LoPresti, and they started a group on social media launching their idea to make additional masks for the healthcare workers on the front lines.
They used things they could find around their house to offer as much protection as they could and invited others to do the same. Soon enough, the Masked Warriors Project took off and now has over 1,400 members! The group has already distributed hundreds of masks and have gotten permission to place bins for members to safely drop off finished masks.
This group is not the only one! Organizations just like the Masked Warriors Project have sprung up all over the country. Groups like the Million Mask Challenge, Coronavirus Mask Makers, and 100 Million Masks have gained traction online as people start to realize how big of an issue this is. People are also offering free kits and tutorials online to help others start.