Book Recommendations
Books we think will be great for your quarantine reading!
May 17, 2020
Welcome back Gators! This week’s book recommendation is going to focus on fantasy books! Fantasy is a genre with stories full of magic and mythical beasts that create the story. There are unrealistic settings and supernatural forms that take place as central parts of the books. Our Follett library has a number of selections in this genre. This week our librarians have suggested Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi and The Girl with the Red Balloon by Katherine Locke.
Children of Blood and Bone tells the story of seventeen-year-old Zélie, her older brother Tzain, and the rogue princess Amari who are fighting to restore magic to their land and reactivate a new generation of magi. However, throughout their adventure they are ruthlessly pursued by the crown prince who believes that the return of magic will end the monarchy in the land.
The Girl with the Red Balloon is about sixteen-year-old Ellie Baum, who accidentally travels back in time to 1988 East Berlin via a red balloon. When she arrives she finds herself caught up in a conspiracy of history and magic. She meets members of an underground guild who have been using the balloons to get people to the other side of the wall, but even to the balloon-makers Ellie’s time travel is a mystery. When they realize that someone has been using black magic to try and tamper with the history Ellie has to risk everything, including her only way back to her home, to try and help the guild.
All of these stories are excellent reads! Don’t forget that you can always find more selections on the Follett Library and also the Wake County Public Library websites. Happy reading Gators!