Positive Point: Drive-In Theaters Making A Comeback

M. Toppin (Canva)

A Weekly Feature Highlighting Good News In The Age of Covid-19

During this daunting time in our world, it’s easy to focus on all the negative events going on around us; however, there are positives that should be known too.

Amid the pandemic, most movie theaters have not been able to get much business, if any. However, drive-in movie theaters are booming. Some people just don’t want to watch movies at home and miss the experience of going to the movie theater. That’s why drive-in movie theaters are the perfect alternative. People are able to watch a movie publicly while maintaining social distance by watching from their cars.

Drive-in movie theaters were extremely popular from the late 1950s to mid 1960s. During this time, over 4000 drive-in theaters opened in the US.

A new drive-in movie theater has opened locally in Chapel Hill off Eubanks Road at Carraway Village. It features a screen that is 47 feet high and 50 feet wide and provides space for 140 socially distantanced cars.

Through all the discouraging news, there’s a good one as well: Drive-ins are making a comeback! (Pexels)

Currently, there are about 325 Drive-in movie theaters still operating in the US, and that number is on the rise. Next time you watch a film, consider dropping by a drive-in theater and giving it a go.