Green Level Swimming Preview
Some gators from the Green Level swim team posing for a picture pre-covid.
December 9, 2020
Swimming is on the way! Despite the unprecedented times we are experiencing right now, Green Level Swimming is starting shortly. Green Level is taking many precautions to keep all of the swimmers along with the coaches safe. They officially start practicing on November 23. This will lead to meets starting on December 7. These athletes will persevere through these trying times to make sure they have a great season.
I interviewed an upcoming member of the Gator swim team (Matthew Schoenagal) on how he is feeling about the upcoming season. He had nothing but positive things to say. One important note Schoenagal made was that he is feeling safe from COVID-19 so far, as the coaches and swimmers that are not actively participating wear masks. Matthew Schoenagal says, “Before we go to practice we have pre-screening, they also said they were going to split up groups so we were not all sharing a lane. If anyone does not pass the test or shows any symptoms of Coronavirus they will be turned away immediately. This includes swimmers and coaches alike, and everyone knows that if they do not pass the test they will not be able to participate.”
This highlights the number of precautions taking place to keep everyone safe. Without these precautions, Green Level swimming might not have come to fruition this year. During the time of the COVID-19, everyone is being forced to live life a bit differently and that includes these swimmers. These adaptations are essential to their ability to practice and compete safely.
Green Level swimming starts official practice on November 23, along with their first meet taking place prior to Winter Break. All practices and meets are held at the Triangle Aquatic Center (TAC). If you have any interest in trying out you can contact Coach Blake Addison. Practices will run Monday-Wednesday, times to be determined, along with competitions a few times a month. The Green Level Swim Team is ready to compete and have a fantastic season even under these extreme circumstances.