Green Level Teachers Get Vaccinated And You Should Too
Staff members of Green Level High school begin to receive vaccines.
March 5, 2021
While Covid-19 continues to create virtual schools with masks becoming the new normal, Green Level is one step closer to achieving normalcy with teacher vaccinations. Many staff members are ready to get back into the swing of how things were a year ago.
Mr. Colin Fegeley, the Athletics Director of Green Level, took it one step further and participated in the Pfizer clinical trials last fall. When asked about his experience in August, he said “At the time, I didn’t know if I got the actual vaccine or not. In January, I found out I was part of the active group… it was a really cool experience, I felt I was able to help the science in some way.” Thank you Mr. Fegely for your role in the vaccine trials!
Mr. Kesterson, English and Leadership in Media teacher, got his first round of vaccinations on the 25th and described his experience as highly organized, quick, and very positive, saying, “[I] 10/10, would do again,” which he will in a couple weeks, when he gets the second shot.
If students or other teachers have any qualms about getting vaccinated, I beg you, please do not hesitate to. Every vaccination has side effects, and a headache or temporary fever is well worth the benefits of keeping yourself and others safe.
To all of the teachers who have gotten the COVID19 vaccinations, thank you! For keeping yourself, your community, and your students safe; Green Level will always be appreciative.