Go Get Vaccinated
D. Khan explains why and how to get your Covid-19 vaccination shots.
May 7, 2021
Yesterday afternoon, I got my second dosage of the Covid-19 vaccine. The relief I felt walking out of that Walgreens was immeasurable–I felt like this two-year-long nightmare was finally coming to an end. Writing about the satisfaction and necessity of getting vaccinated right after taking Tylenol to reduce my fever and headache sounds a bit hypocritical. But with all the misconceptions about the vaccine, it seems like the perfect time to spread the message.
The vaccines were developed quickly, but that doesn’t mean they’re unsafe. Pfizer, the company offering vaccines to teenagers, assures citizens that their shots are safe for kids as young as 12 (even still, vaccines are only available for people 16+). They were created so fast because of the emergency we are in because of the virus. The speedy development was necessary, and the vaccine is well out of its experimental stages now. Sciblogs writes that the vaccine was made fast, but not recklessly–it has gone through plenty of trials and testing. The vaccines are saving lives. We wouldn’t be offered the opportunity to get vaccinated if it was unsafe for teens. We’re all high schoolers, aren’t we? We should know enough about the internet that we don’t blindly trust a source.
Yes, there are side effects. I’m feeling them right now. I’ve got a low fever, a headache, and body ache, but some other common side effects in teenagers are cold sweats and nausea. The vaccines (which are about as painful as a flu shot) boost our immune system. These effects are our body’s natural response to a foreign invader entering the body. If you aren’t aware of that, you should study up in biology–there is nothing wrong with these physical reactions. Mayo Clinic assures everyone that the side effects are short-term, lasting only for a day or so. Can you not tolerate a few mild symptoms in exchange for the safety of your friends and family?
There are plenty of dangerous myths and rumors about the vaccine, but even a little bit of research debunks them. You can’t believe everything you see–the CDC explains that the vaccines don’t have anything to do with your fertility, the mRNA in them does not change your DNA, and, of course, the vaccines don’t give you the Coronavirus. If these rumors are of serious concern to you, do some more research into them. Look at both sides, not just what you already think. John Hopkins Medicine, Cornell’s Alliance for Science, and Texas A&M Health are reliable sources of information.
Due to Gov. Cooper’s most recent executive order, masks are no longer required outdoors. Indoor gatherings can be up to 100 people, outdoor gatherings up to 200, and there are enough vaccines in the state for anyone eligible to get their two doses. Spot Your Shot NC provides NC citizens with research, FAQs, and a local vaccine center finder. It’s an easy, streamlined process, so don’t wait. If we want the mask mandate abolished by June and for our at-risk friends and family to feel safe again, we all have to do our part. We’re almost out of this pandemic, so put on your masks and get your shots. Only we can finally stop this spread, we have to do it together.