Should You Get The Vaccine? How is the Experience?
Photo from Creative Commons / Graphic made by D. Nambiar
D. Nambiar discusses his experience with the Covid-19 vaccine, and why you should get a vaccine too.
May 7, 2021
With restrictions loosening around the United States and vaccines becoming readily available, a world of normalcy seems to be on its way. Though there is still a long way to go, COVID-19 vaccines are bringing us one step closer. As of the beginning of May, 247 million doses have been distributed, with 106 million people being fully vaccinated. Here in North Carolina, around 3.2 million people have been fully vaccinated.
It is definitely important for as many people as possible to become vaccinated, creating a chance at immunity, as well as keeping everyone safe and lowering COVID-cases. I, myself, have been able to receive vaccinations. Being a teenager, the only option was Pfizer’s two doses, compared to one for Moderna or Johnson and Johnson. For me personally, the first dose didn’t affect me at all, just a few goosebumps here and there. Three weeks later, the second dose is what hit me hard. I was knocked out with a fever and some body pains for around 2 days, which is generally expected after the second dose. All of these effects are among some that are expected to occur after getting vaccinated, as the body’s immune system will react to the shot. After a few days of recovery, I bounced back feeling better than ever. I personally would encourage those who can to get vaccinated, not only to protect yourself and those around you, but to also start the journey to end this pandemic.
Now, Pfizer has just announced that more middle and high school students aged 12-15 can get vaccinated. This signals an even close reality achieving ‘herd immunity.’
Here are some resources you can use to find out how you or someone you know can get vaccinated, and also some other useful information: