Gator of the Week: Shivani Kalkur
Courtesy of S. Kalkur / Graphic made by A. Guo
Shivani Kalkur is this week’s featured gator!
May 17, 2021
Though her first year of high school was completely virtual, Shivani Kalkur has found ways to be involved in and out of school.
One club Kalkur was involved in was FBLA, also known as Future Business Leaders of America, “My partner and I got to create a website and I was able to learn a lot about business and coding.” She also says FBLA allowed for many volunteering opportunities she got to participate in.
Outside of school, Kalkur is involved with sports like gymnastics and tennis, and in the arts like playing the piano and painting.
Virtual learning has been a major shift for many students including Kalkur, “It was weird starting my first year of high school and not being able to meet new people and see my teachers in person,” but she says she is now adjusted and has gotten used to the new learning environment. “Quarantine was also an adjustment. Not being able to see my friends was hard, as well as having to wear a mask everywhere.”
Kalkur says she looks forward to, “life getting back to normal and this pandemic to be over,” and is, “excited for my future and the rest of high school.”