Using AllTimely


AllTimely makes signing up for clubs simple.

AllTimely sign-up is back this week. With Connectivity starting on Wednesday, be sure to sign in early to see if there are any technical issues before each club. This makes it an easier process for signing up for Connectivity. If you were here last year then this isn’t anything new, but for the new people, the concept might be unfamiliar. AllTimely is a sign-up system that tells you where you will be on the day prior to going making the separation and moderation of students during this recovery period of COVID-19 much easier for the student club leaders and teachers.

WCPSS has been upping their cyber-security over last year because of COVID-19 and school being online. This causes many websites that teachers and students rely on a Cyber Security Liability Insurance, which costs a lot of money and is mostly recommended to larger companies. This is a problem because AllTimely was made by a single developer who works alone and doesn’t have the funding that larger companies have. His start-up company took a while longer because of this to receive the Cyber Security Liability Insurance.

These kinds of things were found out because each school needed to hand a PO (Product Order) to the Central Office to make any purchases for the school. Any that are online are then sent to risk management who assess the risks of hackers breaching and taking student information. This time they wanted to play safe, which requires AllTimely to have Liability insurance.


This is what we got from Justin Viens, the Assistant Principal Intern who organizes Connectivity:

“We understand how frustrated students have been to have to wait this long for Clubs and Organizations to start up. We have been working hard to come up with some sort of system in order for students to participate in Connectivity. We are aware of the issues students have been having with attending some of the sessions they want. The system we had the last two weeks isn’t perfect, but we really wanted students to begin connecting with their interests. Myself and Mrs. Bullins have put in a lot of hours to make the process work–it’s a beast of a process. We know there have been mistakes, but with over 100 clubs and another 300 study halls and tutorials each week (and only 2 people maintaining the directory) we ask that students please show us grace and patience while we implement this process. We are excited to get student access to AllTimely–once students can log in, many of the problems students have had the last few weeks should go away.”