Holidays Around the World: Day of Ashura

Muslim women marking Day of Ashura
September 24, 2019
One of the unique features of Green Level High School is our cultural diversity. Our student body includes people from around the world, and collectively, we possess an incredibly wide range of cultural traditions. The Gator’s Eye would like to acknowledge this special aspect of our school community with a recurring feature to highlight some of the many international holidays celebrated by Green Level students and their families.
First up is an Islamic Celebration: the Day of Ashura. According to our own Staff Writer, Daneen Khan, the holiday is not a major one among Muslims living in the United States. “I’ve heard of it, but my family has never celebrated it,” she tells us, “and I don’t know anyone here who does.” Even though the Day of Ashura doesn’t seem to be a big one within the Green Level community, it is valued by many among the international Muslim community.
This year, Ashura began on the evening of September 9, and ended on the evening of September 10. It is the tenth day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. The Day of Ashura has been celebrated for over 1,300 years! However, the day has different meanings to various groups within the Islamic community. According to the BBC, Sunni Muslims associate the day with the stories of Noah leaving the Ark and Moses being saved from the Egyptians, while Shia Muslims associate the day with the prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Husan Ibn Ali, who was martyred on this day in 680 AD at the Battle of Karbala.
People who celebrate the Day of Ashura might do so by fasting, participating in mourning rituals, or attending special plays.
Make sure to check back with The Gator’s Eye for more fascinating holidays from around the world that will expand your knowledge, so that you can learn more about the different, wonderful cultures in our school!