Gator of the Week: DJ Oates
DJ Oates
September 27, 2019
Say hello to the Gator of the Week DJ Oates, who is from Atlanta, Georgia. He is a hard working student who loves to do many things. As he said told us himself, in his free time he loves to sing, and he likes to build robots, too. He is currently a member of the brand new Green Level Football team and he’s also great basketball player. Like many of us, DJ enjoys sleeping. What makes him special, according to his teachers, is how bright and caring he is. DJ’s football coach told us that DJ is “a natural born leader and he leads by example,” and that his actions show how much he cares for everyone on his team. The Gator’s Eye can personally attest to DJ’s kindness, since he even paid for this writer’s food once when I had forgotten my lunch money. Congratulations, DJ — thanks for helping to make our school a great place!