The Rise and Fall of Rainbow Looms

Rainbow Looms were one of the defining trends of our childhood. Image from Pexels.

Rainbow Looms were one of the defining trends of our childhood. Image from Pexels.

R. Pragada, Staff Writer

When someone brings up rainbow looms, people think of the time period between 2014 and 2017. Rainbow looms are little plastic bands that you can weave into cool patterns and create bracelets, necklaces, you name it!

It was two little girls that started the trend, and they started selling their little creations. They started with selling them online, but when that wasn’t enough, they tried to sell in toy stores. When that didn’t go well, to promote their products, they posted videos on YouTube with the help of their dad. This went well and they were successful. Kits were spreading everywhere, and more and more children started making their own crafts with rainbow looms. The prices went up and the sales skyrocketed. 

So that’s how it was. Children of all ages, in their free time, made bracelets and necklaces with new patterns and created cool pendants out of the little plastic loops. The Rainbow Loom trend was so significant that it became a hobby. Many trends come and go in this generation but Rainbow Looms were one trend that was set over a long period of time. 

Then, around 2017, the trend fell off. People decided that they were more interested in other things like TikTok and social media instead of sitting down, working hard on crafting things out of tiny plastic loops. 

However, when the worldwide pandemic, COVID-19, broke out, and people were quarantined at home, people have been picking things back up. And guess what was one of the first things to come back? Rainbow looms!! Even though it hasn’t come back as popular as last time, it is still taking up some people’s time. 

If you are interested in making some colorful creations, you can still buy the full kit at Target, Hobby Lobby, or any similar store!