Green Level’s Women’s Basketball against Green Hope Falcons
Green Level Gators against the Green Hope Falcons on January 31st.
February 5, 2020
The Green Level Women’s Basketball Team dribbled down our court waiting for the game to begin. January 31st was the evening that marked the return of the Falcons. The last game ended with a score of 67-37, but could Green Level make a recovery with this chance?
The student section murmured, “It looks like everyone has their game faces on.” The game started in the blink of an eye and it went straight to action with a fall from Audrey Erickson (21). The score was racking up quickly with a Falcon free throw, and with a score of 19-11, Green Level was trailing the Falcons.
With 31 seconds left in the first half, Madison Nereu picked up the ball and dribbled down the court trying to give our Gators one more point. Her buzzer beater went in, cutting the score to 51-32 at the half. The Gators were still down, however, and and the student cheering section looked to the half-time performances from the dance team and the cheerleaders to raise their spirits.
During the half, freshman Aidan Leek told us that the game felt like “a big competition for us,” and when asked how he felt the Gator ladies were doing, he said, “They gotta go faster,” although he added, “I see we’re working hard, that’s good because hard work is important.”
Sophomore Ashley Goode told us, “They’re doing good, I feel like they could do better in the game, I feel like they’re overwhelmed.”
The second half started with an early free throw by Samantha Bonello, and the Gators’ strategy seemed slow and steady. But the Falcons remained ahead, ultimately departing with a win, outscoring the Gators 68-43. Although the team lost, Goode remained supportive, telling us that “The girls have had a great season so far, I feel like this is one of their not so good games but they’re still doing good though.”