Should We Still Have Snow Days?
Imagine waking up to a lovely morning with snow on the ground, eager to play in the snow and go sledding while it is still new. You’re pleased that you may play in the snow when the school declares a snow day. Then, you remember that you still have a long six-hour day of classes.
The pandemic was a wild period, and the schools were completely chaotic, but everything changed when we found that we could attend school online. How Have Computers Changed Learning in the Classroom? talks about the different ways our devices have changed the way we learn. The teacher’s role has also changed because of the different learning styles. We won’t need snow days anymore due to technology because we can attend class online, but these small breaks are important for learning and socializing with other people.
The pleasant moments you get to go outside and enjoy the snow during the day before it melts come to mind when you think of a snow day. You consider it a break and a day of leisure. Snow days should continue to exist as they provide children with a break from the week.
A snow day is beneficial for both physical and mental health in addition to providing a wonderful break. There aren’t enough unstructured activities for kids to participate in where they can interact with others. According to a recent study from the National Institutes of Health, kids who spend more than two hours a day on screen time activities score lower on language and thinking tests. Anyone who spends too much time in front of a computer should avoid doing so, but it’s crucial to recognize that we might be outside instead.
Studies have shown that the downsides of online learning are lack of connection. 10 Biggest Disadvantages of E-Learning – E-Student, explains that there are many disadvantages to online learning and it can cause social isolation even when you are in person. The fact that students are focused on a device and not a teacher can be very bad for their health.
Technology is changing every day. This is not the only time that innovation could create problems and it won’t be the last. Everyone has heard about the good and bad things about this technology but I will say just be aware of what you could be doing instead of watching another video about environmental science being out in nature
Christina Kroll is a freshman at Green level who is excited to be a part of The Gator’s Eye this year. She loves the Marvel Universe and action shows....