How Do Students and Teachers Feel About Early Release Days

C. Champ

Seniors Bella and Naveah share similar thoughts on Early Releases.

C. Champ, Staff Writer

A standard school day goes from 7:25 to 2:18. On the early release days, the schedule changes, and we end at 11:40. This used to be common before the pandemic hit us but stopped when online school began. This recently changed, and they have brought back the early release days. Seeing this in full effect, I asked students and teachers how they felt about early release days.

English teacher Mrs. Weeks says, “I have mixed feelings about early release days. I like them because it is a shorter day, and for students that is nice, but when we have early release days then we have fewer teacher work days.”

I also asked about how they benefit her as a teacher. “The benefit of them is that they schedule PD (professional development) days on the early release days.”

Another teacher commented that they think “Early release days are a really nice opportunity for students to get off school a little early and have some time to hang out with friends and family or catch up on school work… they’re beneficial for teachers cause of training that would make us stay after school is during the early release days and still protects our planning time”.

After hearing from some of the teachers on their thoughts on early release days, I went to ask some students how they felt about them. Recent NIU commits Bella Ross said, “I think early release days are a waste of time and there isn’t a reason to go to class for that short of time,” however, she says they “are beneficial to me since I have early dismissal and get to leave at 9 am.”

The last person I interviewed was senior Neveah Czech. “I think early release days are nice and fun, but they are a waste, and we should just have a full day of regular school so we can get a longer lunch.” However, she also finds them beneficial so that students can focus and “don’t get mentally drained.”

It is safe to say that the majority of teachers and students don’t like or think Early Release schedules are that beneficial and they are not necessarily needed.