What is the Utah Girl Style?
The “Utah Girl Style” was popularized last winter. The style consists of straight-leg jeans, cropped shirts, platform converse, and curled hair with straightened ends. Let’s take a deeper dive into each aspect of the style.
First, “Utah Girls” are mainly known for their colorful straight-leg jeans. The most popular style they wear are the Zara Marine Straight Leg Jeans, retailing for $49.90. They come in light wash, dark wash, black, khaki, off-white, deep purple, pink, green, and orange.
Next, this style consists of cropped shirts with most outfits. The most commonly known outfit combination from the “Utah Girl Style” pairs the colorful jeans with a solid, neutral-colored cropped shirt.
This trend also frequently shows platform converse. Zoe Report claims “platform sneakers are one of 2022’s biggest footwear trends.” In every outfit from this style, converse seems to elevate this style in a different way. The clean look of the shoe emphasizes the pants and shirt while adding some elevation to the outfit.
Last but not least, “Utah Girl” style is brought together by the hair. The hair is curled up top but straight as it gets to the ends. It’s quite an uncommon look in other parts of the United States, but as this style has been growing in popularity it has been seen around more in other parts of the country.
I’m a senior and this is my third year writing for the Gator’s Eye. My favorite movie is Mean Girls and I enjoy shopping in my free time.
Hi, my name is Claire Nestor. I am currently a senior. I love science, spending time outside, and athletic activities. I also like to paint occasionally.