What New Classes do Gators Want?

M. Grabowski and M. Brinton

We understand that this is only our first year at Green Level, but I can speak for our whole student body when I say: We need more course options for next year! Last advisory period we were given a Google form to vote on what classes we wanted to see in the future, and now we want to know: What classes does our whole student body want to see added?

Hand in hand with taking languages is stress because of the pressure many students feel about whether or not they get into the college of their choice. This year the only languages offered were French and Spanish, which is an improvement from middle school variety (with only Spanish) but still fairly limited. For example, Latin is a language that should be added because of its importance in the medical field and to our current language. “A language that could help us in the real world would be nice,” say students Emilie Muntoniwabo, Francesca Gervase, Carter Ebert, and Samson McNaughton. When we asked Colton Wad and Cole Walker what new languages they wanted they replied in certainty, “Latin, because it’s the one [language] that a lot of high schools have and it’s a useful one because it’s like going back in history.”

On the Google form, there were a plethora of world studies, arts, language, and English electives suggested. Yet this doesn’t mean these electives are guaranteed here at Green Level, and we should make an effort to show the need for languages. Although we learn some language in classes such as Biomedical Technology, that only expands into root words and the connection between the real world–it’s not the same as a deep study of the actual language. 

When we asked JJ Marino what classes he wanted to see, he shared “we should have Mandarin because it’s internationally spoken, is good for careers and international affairs. We should also have speech II, because it is similar to public speaking, and I’m trying to take as many possible APs as I can.” We then asked him “should we have more science classes or more APs?” He simply replied with “yes.”

Samari Robinson agrees we should have some more languages such as German or Mandarin, but also shares “I want to see career clusters such as STEM, math, science, and medical fields, as well as law enforcement. I believe our school should focus more on science and math because I want to go into engineering, and I think it’s important to have anything extracurricular involving science and math.” Bryce Benzing also agrees career clusters are good ideas, and languages would help advance as well as support medical classes.

Our student body seems to want more AP classes, science classes, and definitely languages! We look forward to learning the results of the student surveys and seeing the course offerings for next year.