Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars

Balancing school with extracurriculars isn’t an easy task, but it’s doable.

R. Pragada, Staff Writer

Students in high school have a lot going on in their lives and the pressure to excel in classes as well as in extracurriculars makes things a lot more difficult. Finding a balance between the two is essential so you don’t overexert yourself in just one thing. 

According to CampusBuddy, there are five main steps to finding the perfect balance between studying and activities. First, set a schedule and stick to it. According to David A., the author of this article, “Humans thrive on consistency…” Keeping a specific schedule will help you stay efficient when it comes to juggling many things at once. Second, give yourself time to relax and recharge. Overdoing it always has a negative effect on one’s mind and body. Next, make the most of your free time. When you do get free time, which is rare, “…take advantage of the time you do get.” Next up, limit distractions and stay focused. Staying completely focused on the task at hand can help you finish it off that much quicker. And finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. According to the article, “It’s okay to ask for help and communicate feelings of stress.” Everyone needs help from time to time. These five steps are the professional take on balancing academics and extracurriculars. Now let’s take a look at the student perspective. 

There are many extracurricular activities that high school students have. For example, some are interested in sports, music, dance, or any individual project. Every activity demands its own amount of time and effort spent to get those things done. 

Alice Kim, a junior, is on the tennis team at Green Level and uses this tip to stay on top of her work: “I time manage well and keep up with an agenda to stay organized.” 

Freshman Abhinav Thakur had a lot to say on the subject. “I swim and play tennis. To balance with school work, I like to separate my time into each thing. One hour could go into my extracurriculars while another could be spent on school work. Just manage your time well really. But also don’t spend so much time on your extracurriculars and school. Be sure to take breaks and relax for a bit. Watch a show, go for a walk, eat a snack. Anything to relax your brain a bit from all the stress.” 

When asked how she balanced her work and her music and volunteering, Deeksha Bommireddipally, a sophomore, said this: “I make a schedule at the beginning of the week marking everything I have to do. Then I try to follow that precisely. And I give myself wiggle room and space to make mistakes and relax.”

The balance between academics and extracurricular activities is an important one, because if that balance is non-existent, stress, depression, and work overload can get to you. It may seem difficult at first to balance the two, especially in high school, but with support from your teachers and good organization and planning, it is definitely possible.