Do we depend on technology too much?

Most people use their devices before bed. Photo from Science News for Students
September 24, 2021
Technology has quickly become a part of our everyday lives. 83% of Americans use their phones as an alarm clock. 80% of Americans check their phones immediately after they wake up. How much is too much?
Technology is helpful in many ways: you can interact with people like never before. A quick text message or direct message on social media sites has helped people get in contact with each other. This wasn’t as easy before technology.
Information for research is easily accessible. Approximately 4.93 billion people have access to the internet and use it frequently. The majority of the time, people will look something up on the internet instead of finding it in a textbook.
Technology has made it possible for students to learn through the global pandemic. We are able to use platforms such as Google Meet or Zoom to still be in class at home.
As discussed before, technology has given the ability to reach out to others in social media, but social media has also made many people’s social skills decrease. In the real world during a conversation, we use eye contact, facial expressions, and tone of voice when communicating. But when communicating over the internet, we do not use those things. This contributes to the many users’ social skills slowly disappear.
Now, what would happen if all technology went out? It is incredible to realize how much around us is digital. During school, we use computers all day for our classes. When we are at the grocery store, we swipe to pay on a digital card reader. Everyday items incorporated into our daily lives are technology.
This just shows that our world revolves around technology. We all use technology everyday. Technology has made many things in our lives easier, but are we too dependent on it?
Personally, I think we are too dependent on technology. We don’t live in the moment. When at a concert or special occasion we are much more worried about recording it then enjoying it.
Next, technology has ruined many peoples sleep schedules. The majority of the people today go to sleep with their phone’s right next to them. Many people will go to sleep with their laptop still open or their TV still on. When asleep, melatonin is released within the body. With these screens still on, the melatonin is delayed. Teens who use electronic devices for at least 5 hours a day are 50% more likely to not get enough sleep. Additionally, smartphones emit high levels of radiation. This causes a dysfunction in your circadian rhythm.
Technology has so many positive benefits but it also has changed aspects of our lives for the worse.