Donate to the Arts!

The Arts department uses donations for supplies and performances.

D. Khan, Student Life Section Editor

Currently, the Green Level Arts department is raising funds for new supplies. The money raised will be crucial to the Fine Arts, Chorus, Dance, and Theater departments. 

Since traditional art supplies are expensive and have short lifespans, Mrs. Klenow hopes to raise some money to stock up. “The thing about Visual Arts is that most of our stuff is used up every year… we have to restock all the time,” she explains. Mrs. Klenow also wants equity for her students so they can pursue whatever medium interests them. “I want to make sure everybody has exactly what they need. That’s why we do fundraisers, to make sure we all have access to good supplies.” Along with supplies, the department also needs to raise money for murals and other projects–for example, our recent mural was funded through parental donations. Visual-Arts-specific fundraising can help raise money for more beautiful art around the campus.

Donators to the Visual Arts are entered into a raffle for Ms. Klenow’s oil painting!

While Visual Arts focus on supplies, Theater’s top priority is the spring musical. Ms. Craig explains how purchasing the performance rights is the starting point for the process. “When you put on a musical, [the director] has to sign a contract with a publishing company and pay them for permission to perform. Just those performing rights cost several thousand dollars. Then you have to pay for the materials, the scripts… and that’s before you ever have costumes, set lights, or perform any scenes… so that’s the priority for this money. Then [the additional funds] would go towards sets, costumes, and equipment.”

Students and parents interested in donating can do so by scanning the QR codes on their websites and posters throughout the school or making a direct donation to the Fine Arts Booster and disperse the funds among all departments. If someone wishes to write a check, they can direct it to the Fine Arts department and specify the exact department (Chorus, Theater, Visual Arts, or Dance, since Band has a separate booster) in the memo line. The department would greatly appreciate any donations!