American Students Have Reached Their Limit, Green Level Can Make a Change

Children with mental health problems are more likely to develop substance abuse issues, become involved in criminal activity, and drop out of school. For Americans between ages 10 to 24, the third leading cause of death is suicide. These problems affect not only the person who is suffering, but also their friends, family, and everyone involved with them.

According to, “children with mental health and learning disorders face frequent discipline and school failure, which can lead to problems later in life. These trajectories can be corrected, but only with recognition and intervention.” These problems are starting as early as pre-kindergarten. Together, we can face these potential disasters instead of ignoring them down, and help them overcome them together.

“In a world in which an estimated one-third of teens are on a prescription medication, and almost half of those are on psychiatric drugs (ADHD, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety), it is important for parents to realize school may be a causal factor with respect to their child’s depression,” says School has put stress, emotional trauma, and strain on teens’ social lives in ways they should not be facing at such young ages, causing emotional divide between parents, children, and friends.

In American schools, support systems are already stretched, and no more than 700 students per school visit their psychologist when services are provided. According to, one in five children will face a challenging mental health condition during their school years, but within most districts, there is a limit to the access of services to students.

Almost half the children reported as having emotional and psychological conditions don’t receive medication or treatment, because of the lack of health insurance, fear of judgement, and lack of supportive resources at school. We need to create a place where emotional support has no such price, time limit, or judgement attached. There is also a stigma surrounding mental health and stress. You feel like labels are pressed on you, and you will face fear, stereotypes, and embarrassment if you seek professional help for your mental health. 

Although Green Level tries very hard to prioritize student health and well being, the American education system in general is letting its students down in many ways. For example, if you get a 70% on a test, that means you cannot comprehend 1/3 of the content, yet you’re in the same class as someone who understands 99% of it. This leads to immense pressure in regard to studying, and more catch up time to meet up with the person who understands 99% of the content, thus leading to heightened stress levels. Everything I’ve discussed in this piece goes hand and hand, and we need to discover a way to create a fair and equitable education system.

In the meantime, we may need to find better strategies for taking care of ourselves. As stated in, the best ways to cope with teen stress are getting sleep, focusing on strengths, and engaging in physical activity. Focusing on your strengths keep your stressors in perspective, and getting sleep helps you pay attention to maintain overall health. Engaging in physical activity releases chemicals in our brains, making us feel better. This can range from taking a walk to vigorous exercise such as basketball. The most important thing is to talk to someone, such as a trusted adult or parent, because you can’t always handle stress alone. These people may know the best way to manage your stress, and find a way that works for you.

If you have suggestions for positive ways to help manage stress, you can share them with us via the “Contact” link on our site.