Art Block


Art block is the artist’s pain, the roadblock that you can’t seem to get around. Art block is when you have no idea what to draw or paint. You become very unmotivated and some artists stop their art process for years! In this article, we will be going over what art block is like and how to overcome the painful process.

Regan Henderson, a Green Level student artist, says in our interview: “Honestly, I just kind of scribble something, and take it from there, James Bennett (another artist) has taught me that.” One of the ways to cope with art block is to scribble, according to Henderson. 

Another way to face art block is to get inspiration from viewing other people’s art. Mr. Mapp, the art teacher at Green Level says: “One of the things I do for art block is going to museums, so I just went to the Virginia Museum Of Fine Arts to see the ‘Edward Hopper Show’. The show had contemporary photographers and artists related to the theme of travel in his work so I had a lot of good ideas as a photographer that I’m excited to use.”

If you ever feel stuck, just know you’re not alone. You can always go see some student artists or Mr. Mapp! They will be happy to help with your journey of art.