We’re Back!
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Let’s stay connected, Gators.
March 27, 2020
Hi Gators. We’ve missed you.
We tried to be patient, but we just can’t wait until May 15 to get going again. So we’re back. Maybe with a slightly streamlined scope of coverage, but back nonetheless.
We know that for some of you, this is a weird and sort of stressful and maybe even frightening time. And we know that for others, it feels like a giant (if odd) sort of break from life and school–you might even be embracing it.
We at The Gator’s Eye have decided that there’s more for us to do than worry or Netflix binge. We want to be a platform to keep our school community informed, entertained, and–most importantly–connected while these unprecedented circumstances keep us physically distant.
So, join us, please.
Check out Assistant Editor-in-Chief Aida Guo’s inspiring opinion piece about the importance of being good to one another right now. Get some suggestions for staving off boredom from our Editor-in-Chief, Milla Grabowski. Let Aida Guo and Managing Editor Trisha Rangaraju help you figure out that whole breakfast thing. Stay up to date on Coronavirus news and not-Coronavirus news by utilizing the links provided in our News section. And check out our Arts section for a few good pieces on current trends in music from Trisha Rangaraju and Arts Section Editor Kendall Zinger.
Most of all, share with us. Use the contact link at the bottom of every page of The Gator’s Eye to send us pics, videos, podcasts, and writing that reflects what’s going on in your lives right now. From the sublime to the ridiculous … we want it, and we want to share it with the rest of our school community. We’ll keep writing and posting, and we hope you’ll join us.
Hang in there, Gators. We started something big with this school. And we’re still in it together.